Ross Kemp goes back ‘Behind Bars’ on an important mission: To get Brits the best pint at their local

Embedded within the fabric of the nation’s community, it’s the great British pub where people gather with friends to celebrate, commiserate and debate over a fresh, crisp pint. 

The humble pint is key to the pub experience, as nearly twice the number of people say it is more important than the quality of the food when choosing or recommending an establishment to others. 

With warmer weather approaching, the act of enjoying a refreshing, perfectly poured pint of beer or cider is sure to be on many Brits’ agenda. In fact almost half (44%) of Brits say they are more likely to head to a pub or bar to enjoy a pint when the sun is shining.

However, despite many (68%) claiming to have had a “perfect pint” in their lifetime at the pub, new research from HEINEKEN SmartDispense® reveals these are unfortunately not a given, with only 12% saying they consistently receive them today. Two fifths say it is only sometimes (36%) or worse, rare or never (5%).

What does the perfect pint look like? For many (40%), it hinges on a clean glass (the most important factor), served at the right temperature, with the right carbonation and measure, in a correctly branded glass.

Despite our passion for the craft, on those occasions where pub goers are served a sub-par pour, instead of speaking up to share their pint woes, many are instead opting for the British approach – stomaching it so as to not make a fuss (32%) or leaving it to move onto another bar (12%). It seems that British politeness could be getting in the way of them getting the serve they deserve… 

That’s why HEINEKEN SmartDispense® has enlisted the help of documentarian, Ross Kemp, to go back behind bars (of sorts). This time, on an important mission closer to home… the quest to get Brits that perfect pint, every time.

The new series, Ross Kemp Behind Bars, launches today and episode one puts Ross back in the heart of the British pub. Speaking with Matt Deakin, landlord of Birmingham’s oldest pub, The Old Crown, and the punters that frequent it. 

In the episode, Ross uncovers what a quality serve looks like to help pub-goers know what they should be looking for.

The new series launches to shine a light on innovative technology from SmartDispense® and how it  helps pubs deliver punters a quality pint every time. It delves into the benefits it brings to a landlord, by reducing their costs and improving the quality and consistency of beer and cider that they serve. All whilst helping them to minimise their impact on the environment by reducing up to 85% of the beer, cider, water, chemicals and CO2 usually wasted during line cleans thanks to the benefits of the exceptional technology.

Ross Kemp says, “I’ve been on many missions but this one is very close to my heart and home…  A good pint is one of life’s little luxuries. A moment to yourself to relax and unwind at the end of a long day or week… so a sub par pint simply won’t do. We’ve all been there where you’ve tasted a pint that isn’t quite up to scratch so when I heard there was technology that could help pubs deliver a consistent, quality pint every time, I knew I wanted to be a part of it.”

Will Rice, On-Trade Director, at HEINEKEN UK says: “The pint is at the heart of the British pub experience – it’s that moment where a perfect pour, a clean branded glass, and just the right amount of fizz come together. With HEINEKEN SmartDispense®, we’re on a mission to ensure every pint is perfection, changing the game, ensuring every sip is as perfect as the last. We wanted to lift the lid on the tech behind these perfect pints and who better to help us than one of Britain’s most famous landlords. We know how important quality is to our consumers which is why we’re so excited to not only showcase our HEINEKEN SmartDispense® technology but also shine a light on the hard-working landlords that make it all happen. ” 

Looking to get your hands on a perfect pint this summer? Find your local SmartDispense® pub here and stay tuned for further episodes launching later this year which will see Ross take on London and Manchester with visits to The Henley Arms, Elephant’s Head and The Salisbury